Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Art of Wearing Black

I just got back from my first ever trip to Melbourne. Everyone in Melbourne wears black. A lot of black. You go out at night and you can't bloody see anyone. They're like lots of well-dressed ninjas.


Anonymous said...

Yeah reminds me of the classic Smiths line 'I wear black on the outside, because black is how I feel on the inside, and if I seem a little strange, well that's becuase I am'.

Black clothing is becoming more popular, and not just among bogans. Covers a multitude of stains.

Anonymous said...

The most bizarre thing is when I was in Melbourne last year, it seemed that flouro was THE style. Just catching the train around town opened my eyes to new and unusual shades of yellow, pink, green, orange etc. I do remember wearing a lot of black myself though....

Anonymous said...

It has been said...If you can't beat them, join them!
I bought a black shirt yesterday.